Cooperation With The Professional Community

If you are a professional and work with people who may have drinking problems, then Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.) in Cochise County, AZ wants to work with you.

Professionals who work with problem drinkers or alcoholics share a common purpose with Alcoholics Anonymous: to help the alcoholic stop drinking and lead a healthy, productive life. Cooperation with the professional community is an objective of A.A., and has been since our beginning in 1935.

We are always seeking to strengthen and expand our communication with you, and we welcome a dialogue with you and your comments or suggestions on how we might work together toward our common purpose.

Your comments help us to work more effectively with you in achieving our common purpose: to help the alcoholic who still suffers. We can serve as a source of personal experience with alcoholism and provide an ongoing support system for recovering alcoholics. We can also help with information on A.A. meetings and can serve as "temporary A.A. contacts", if desired, for your clients.

Cochise County A.A.'s formal contact point with members of the Professional Community is our current chairperson for that committee.  Please email them at:, and use “Cooperation with the Professional Community (CPC) Committee” as the subject line.

For information about A.A. in general contact:

AA World Service, Inc.
P.O. Box 459

Grand Central Station

New York, NY 10163